reverie of sorts

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Aaron's Favourite Moments 2

There are just some moments that make you go wow...

On the way to work, at the second level of bus 97, something made me tilt my head. The clouds were white, fluffy, and massive.At the centre of the clouds, there were a couple of holes. Through these holes, blazing sun beams shot across to the other ends of their spectrum.

The view was... wow. And I appreciated it more since heading to work at 8am isn't exactly what I smile about. A simple joy.

Watching TV at the table with my parents earlier, I saw my dad do something sweet. My mum was nodding off and her head was precariously on the brink of knocking against the wall behind her. My dad, the hero to her rescue, swiftly moved his hand and placed his palm between my mum's head and the wall. He held it there for as long as her head was nodding backwards. Sweet.

Took a mental picture of these moments.


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