reverie of sorts

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The greys and whites of it

It’s funny/amazing how the brain works. I’m sure I’ve written/talked about this before but most recently, more examples surfaced in my life to prove the diverse impact the brain causes in terms of personality.

Anyone who knows me should know/guess that I’m a complete right brainer. Logic rarely does it for me. Systems and rigid formulas can probably fry my brain. I’m quite confident most of my schoolmates in CS are also perfect examples of right brainers, with varying extents of purity.
So it really screamed at me when I showed Kelvin pictures of new paintings I did for Rosy and Chiang (which I need to upload soon). Just for background, Chiang’s painting was the backview of her, with luscious hair as the main subject. So when I showed Kelvin, him being the engineering guy kinda guy, his first line was, “Why is the hair pink?” Yes, the hair in the painting is in pinks and reds. What seemed like a given to me, stood out to him. I didn’t think there was a logical explanation for the hair to be pink; I just felt it looked good.

I think every brain is extremely unique despite having the same hardware, just different amounts of it J

Then there is this other example that shows how the brain automatically builds a defence mechanism. You know how you can just tell when people are extremely insecure? And to offset the insecurity, they try to be funny, put other people down, or in some cases build a wall for themselves. This kinda of personality is extremely painful to watch because you know deep down they’re just struggling to come to terms with themselves, with situations, with their past. And I think the brain plays a huge part in building a system of personality to defend and protect its owner. It’s like how overeating, or excessive plastic surgery is not just about an eating disorder and extreme vanity respectively, but how the brain focuses on other areas so that its owner does not have to face up to the real issues he/she is facing.

That’s about all the grey and white perspectives I have for now.


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