reverie of sorts

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm lovin it

You know how you always hear, "Be careful of what you do/say/eat, it might come back and haunt you", well... it is true.

Let's just say that technology and I have a love-hate relationship, only that love is seldom present.

Why-technology-hates-aaron #1

  • I stayed up for maybe 12 hours for a powerpoint presentation for class four years ago. When I was done, I lost more than half the slides when I tried to save the damn thing. After scolding the entire universe and waking my then-roomie, I managed to miraculously retrieve the slides. All good? WA HA HA HA. Got to class, prepared to present and realised some slides didn't include certain info/graphics...

Why-technology-hates-aaron #2

  • When my group was editing a video, the machine kept hanging on us or going extremely slowly. Reason? Computers hate Aaron. Seriously. Solution? My group mate asked me to flash at her. I sacrificed and flashed. Not at my group mate. The computer. It worked.

Why-technology-hates-aaron #3

  • Ok how about a more recent and obvious incident. Even my laptop hates me so much, it disfigured its face hoping to get a breather out of my sight.

So you ask, can there be anything worse than all these and more that have already happened?

Yes, I'm working with technology. Every Single Day.

Good luck Aaron.


At 8:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I don't get number 2. How can flashing a computer make it work?
/beep /beep /beep !FLASH!
/ARGH!!!! /BEEP!! /BEEP!!
/concedes in beeping fear...

At 12:24 am, Blogger aaron said...

For the record, it did help. Joey, if you're reading this, substantiate it.


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