We made it!
It was all worth it. We made it to the peak of Mount Kinabalu.
On Feb 23, the eight of us set off to Sabah. Early in the wee hours, we cabbed to Senai Airport in JB to catch our flight out. Proving too much of a trip right from the start, I kinda realised that Kelvin and Grace got together. Wow. And I always give myself credit for being sensitive about such stuff.
Anyway, the trip was just awesome from the get go. Over the six days, we stayed at a different place each night, starting from Step In. This was more of a backpackers' place which we stumbled at upon arrival in town. Here's all of us at the balcony.

The first day was a chill out day... until we started to get physical with frisbee! That was such a sight. Qiyou somehow had his disc with him and we started our game at a green patch called Merdeka Padang. Sure, it was state land but tourists can't read signs right :) That was real good fun. Prema and I even had a TAF Club walk-off!
The next morning was a breeze. The couple were somewhere out there, Prema and Audrey went out early too, so the final four (Jeremy+Qiyou+Mel+Me) went out to check out the Sunday market and had our fill of their dim sum :)

Then it was off to the National Park, aka the base camp of where we would start off our amazing journey. Sunday night was spent at Grace One, a log-ish kinda of lodging with a nice fire place. Of course, Jeremy, Qiyou and I couldn't start a fire. It was still good. All of us except Kelvin played charades before our sleep and it was a blast. Qiyou's "thrill" brought the house down. That was such a moment. Oh ya, the three of us guys couldn't resist taking pictures by the fireplace - throw in Mel's direction and shirtless us and we kinda got some pornish pictures. Shall put up the gals' pic instead. Haa...

The next morning was the start of it all. We needed to reach the mid section of the mountain. Our aim was Laban Rata, where we would sleep for bits before out ascend to the peak the next morning. All of us were just ready to go. Of course, the rain had to share our joy along the way.

And after what seemed like six hours of eternity, we saw it. Laban Rata!

Yeap, that was where we were, above the clouds. We didn't get to enjoy much of that though. Just after less than six hours of sleep, we got up at 130am to prepare to ascend all the way! Pity Audrey and Kelvin couldn't make it all the way. It was treacherous, ropes, rocks and all. The thin air didn't help one bit. But the six of us pushed on and it was no turning back. After maybe four hours of "We're almost there!", we saw it.

But we all know that we wouldn't try to climb this again. :)
Oh no... I made a sin reading your blog...
Eh.. U sure we lost 10kg each? Be truthful to yourself hahaha.
Awesome pics kor.. so beautiful..
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