Aaron's Favourite Spot 1
I have a favourite spot.
I just spent maybe half an hour on the swing in my room. Yes the swing that previously sat Elmo.
If you have no clue when Elmo plunked himself on a swing that appeared from nowhere, check back on my Xtreme Makeover: Room Edition entries.
When I was youngER,
(Just a sidetrack but this old white-haired lady ridiculously shouted "Uncle Uncle" from her window when I was walking below her flat. Apparently she was calling out to someone to pick up her bamboo poles that fell to the ground. I choose to believe she was calling out to this other person who also came by to help her. Not denial. At all.)
So anyway, when I was youngER, my favourite item at the playground was the swing. Merry-go-rounds were pretty fun too. Pity new playgrounds don't include that now.
I guess the swing still retains its place in me. Sat there watching nearly half of Grey's Anatomy, lit a tealight near the TV, and sipped to a glass of white wine.
Love that.
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