reverie of sorts

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Once bitten. Twice shy.

Wow my last post was more than a month ago... Been intending to jot this here for the longest time.


It takes a big heart
To dwell on anger and hatred
Brings no peace, brings no comfort
Coming to terms with reality
Learning that people err unintentionally
It takes a big heart

Letting go, moving forward
Stop raking up the leaves
That's the job of the wind
Stop raking up the past
The leaves fell for a reason
It takes a big heart

Find contentment and let go
Let peace into your heart
Let fear go for a start
Free your mind and free others
Don't hide it all in, let it get out
It takes a big heart

- Yeo, A.

Heh, wrote this after watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It was kinda was in-sync with the Yellow Ribbon Project I was working on. Listening to the stories of ex-offenders is truly one of the most humbling things you can do. Taking in their experiences, absorbing lessons that they learnt, relishing the joys of goodness again together with them.

There was this inmate who composed and sang a song called "Second chance". I swear if no one was around me, a tear or two would have fallen. You can feel this essence, this voice, this yearning that comes from the heart. And he still has maybe a couple more years to serve...

We can only hope that any second chance given to anyone who does wrong, criminally or not, will be cherished.

On a happier note, I went for breakfast again with my parents just now! It's just simple goodness to walk through the market and hawker centre leisurely. Love it. It's the same thing overseas. I enjoy eating and walking along the streets more than in malls. It's just more colourful.

Anyway, tonight I'n hosting yet another wedding dinner. Will I be jinxed or something? Like how people can't be bridesmaid or best man for more than three times? Haa... And I don't even know the couple tonight. Hopefully no wrong name calling later... Ha.

Erm. Second chance?


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