reverie of sorts

Monday, July 24, 2006

The simple life

Such is the simplicity in life.

I am so proud that I was part of Blangah Rise Primary School, I just had to take a picture outside the school. It's not where it used to be now but I still remember every good (and bad) thing that happened in my six years there. Simple good innocence.

And you know how every profit making company is spending huge sums on A&P? Well, today I experienced something really down-to-earth and even warm to a certain extent. I was at a durian buffet organised by some fruit sellers at Redhill Market.

Yeap, if you spot the guy in green, that's me in the crowd of either very old or very young. My mum's friend got her the tickets and my brother and I went along. Durians, YUM! But the point really, is how simple marketing can be. Or life for that matter. Fruit sellers wanted to thank customers, get together for something fun + the community that is happy to pay a mere $5 for a buffet of durians, watermelons, starfruits, pineapples, grapes... I think it actually made a lot of old folks happy.

Are we just always pushing for something more than what we need? And everything else just fades away to obscurity?


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