Green patriotic thoughts
I served the nation for two weeks. I’ve never wanted to be called back to camp so much.
These two weeks have been one of the best periods in the past 1.5 years. I led a happy and healthy lifestyle.
I saw stars on a clear breezy night. I brushed through nature, albeit drenched and with deep panting. I ran against the night winds. I slept. And slept. And slept. Plus I didn’t have to battle with eating late. I chatted with pals about life. Nobody had any problems for me to solve. I had freedom. Almost.
Of course there were the dreadful parts where I was out in the field, dirty and sleepy. But choosing my routine life over that was still tough.
Sze: I was happy for once on a Sunday night!
Me: So it’s definitely camp over work for you. Like me!
*One week later while chionging sua*
Me: So is it work or now for you?
Sze: If it’s now, I choose work. You?
Me: Now, it’s still a close fight.
*During our rest*
Norman: So now comes the question I ask everyone. What’s the highlight of your day at work?
Me: Thinking about coming back to camp.
Norman: Guffaw guffaw. That has to be the saddest one I’ve heard so far.
Moral of the story: If you chao geng and not go through national service, you won’t be able to entertain random people with random questions.